What is Vibrational Alchemy?
Wisdom healers and shamans from ancient Egypt and India understood the great power of sound and vibration to elevate and shift energies in the human body. Today, these ancient technologies are resurging through new techniques backed by modern science, such as Biofield Tuning, which uses tuning forks to clear, heal and restore your body to optimal health and wellbeing.
Tuning Forks work their vibrational magic to let go of and shift old energetic patterns no longer serving you and elevate your vibration to live your very best life and lean into your fullest potential.
After sessions, clients commonly report feeling lighter, clearer, more energized and joyful.
Healing with Frequency
Wisdom healers and shamans from ancient Egypt and India understood the great power of sound and vibration to elevate and shift energies in the human body. Today, these ancient technologies are resurging through new techniques backed by modern science, such as Biofield Tuning, which uses tuning forks to clear, heal and restore your body to optimal health and wellbeing.
Tuning Forks work their vibrational magic to let go of and shift old energetic patterns no longer serving you and elevate your vibration to live your very best life and lean into your fullest potential.
After sessions, clients commonly report feeling lighter, clearer, more energized and joyful.

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Daily Vibrational Tune-Up
Every single day I use tuning forks on my body for overall health and well-being.
I consider vibrational tuning as essential as brushing my teeth.
The foundation of my personal routine is the 10 Point Sonic Slider Routine, which uses a 93.96 Hz fork called the Sonic Slider and is remarkable for its ability to produce noticeable changes quickly. This frequency is the 12th harmonic of the Schumann Resonance -- the electromagnetic pulse of the Earth.
I invite you to try it out for yourself for a week and see how you feel.
To get started, purchase the Sonic Slider here.
Then, download your free Sonic Slider Routine below. If you would like additional support on how to do this routine, watch my video where I walk you through the entire 15 minute routine.
"You can rewire your energetic patterns using your mind alone. Your own mind and intention are the most powerful tools you have for working with your energy system. You are a magnetic being and you have the ability to impact your magnetic field through the use of your mind."

Biofield tuning is a groundbreaking therapeutic method that uses sound to relax & reset the nervous system.
What is Biofield Tuning?
The term "biofield" refers to our body’s electrical system in its entirety - both the electric current that runs through our bodies, and the magnetic field that surrounds it.
Biofield Tuning is a sound therapy method that works directly with this system, seeing it as inextricably connected with our conscious and subconscious mind, including our memories.
All physical, mental and emotional disorders can be perceived as "dissonance" in our electrical system. Biofield Tuning is able to locate, diminish and resolve this dissonance and in doing so, alleviate and even eradicate the corresponding physical, mental and/or emotional symptoms.
During sessions you’ll feel supported and held by Holly's loving presence in a sacred space that allows you to fully relax and release while the tuning forks work their vibrational magic to facilitate emotional and physical healing. After sessions, clients commonly report feeling lighter, clearer, happier and more energized.
Experience a group Biofield Tuning session on
Beyond the Ordinary

The biofield energy healing session I had with Holly was transformational. In one session, Holly was able to access energetic memories and emotions that had been stored within my body for decades. Her gentle approach and patience during the healing process freed the energetic root that had held me back for so many years. The feelings of relief and newness were immediate upon release. I was amazed by how quickly Holly was able to transmute such a deep wound. I now feel like I am ready to step into the person I want to become without the doubt and fear that has held me back for so many years. I am eternally grateful for her healing.
Holly is a wonderful Biofield tuner, her compassionate and patient approach was welcoming and allowed me to surrender to the process more deeply. During the process I felt blocks open up with flashes of old memories and other wondrous experiences. As she was working on clearing my Heart centre, afterwards I felt ease and an openness in the heart centre that was liberating and joyful. The following morning I noticed I was clearer, spacious and more able to get through what were once blocks in both my practices and my thoughts. Thank you Holly for your wonderful healing and devotion to helping us all with this amazing modality.
I had an online session of Biofield Tuning with Holly and I was absolutely blown away by its power! I could never imagine that this kind of work could be done at a distance with such amazing results. As soon as Holly started to work on my energy field, I experienced a great variety of physical sensations, some of which were quite unusual and surprising. I fell into very deep relaxation, and by the end of the session I was totally peaceful and energized as after a very long, deep and satisfying sleep. But the most amazing thing was Holly 's ability to really sense my places of stuck energy, and how she helped them to unwind and come back to coherency in a very effective way. This was very evident for me by the way I was feeling afterwards. Thank you Holly for sharing your healing gifts with the world!
Holly is a wonderful practitioner, really easy to talk to and incredibly gifted. She worked throughout with so much care and thoughtfulness. I felt at ease as she put her exceptional skills to work, feeling the effects working during and after. I feel a massive difference and much lighter and clearer after our session. I loved it so much, I was totally blown away. It was amazing.
I wholeheartedly recommend it if you are thinking of doing this.
We just completed your chakra alignment with tuning forks and I feel as light, happy, and blessed as I have ever felt! Thank you for your kindness and generosity with your gift of embodiment, empathy, and compassion, we released ancient energy that was held in my body from trauma, especially Hurricane Katrina that occurred 17 years ago today and Hurricane Ida that occurred 1 year ago today. Also, childhood fears and abandonment pain coursed through us both and you helped me to release it in a miraculous way.