Awakening to Abundance and Life Purpose
Awakening To Abundance

Course Summary
‘Awakening to Abundance and Life Purpose 2021’ is your roadmap to getting more of what you want out of life and finding purpose along the way. Four warm and approachable experts from diverse fields have come together to make this unique program (see our profiles below). We teach you to get in touch with your inner knowing--your true extraordinary purpose and gifts that for many of us is difficult to see and we have neglected. We are not giving you magical powers or tips that only the highly successful can use; we are helping you identify, realise, and harness the powers that we all possess. That’s why this program is so successful – EVERYONE has the potential. We peel back the layers of conditioning that keep you in low energy states, unproductive behavioural patterns and states of mind that cloud our understanding of ourselves. With this newfound clarity, we help you turn around negative emotions and live from a state of abundance and life-purpose, empowerment, and wisdom. Knowing and growing from your true heart by living in flow effortlessly and joyfully.
Course Objectives
Over 8 weeks of experiential learning, you will:
• Identify and rediscover your curiosity – one of many powers we all possess but often neglect
• Identify and eliminate the obstacles blocking your way from manifesting your true purpose
• Discover and reenergise other human powers that lay dormant in most of us
• Develop an awareness of yourself that positively changes the way you feel and how others interact with you
• Identify your path and develop a clear insight into where it can lead
• Leverage natural forces such as gratitude and intention.
• Consciously connect networks to support your own sustainable growth towards the state of abundance
• Learn practical techniques for stabilizing this awareness in order to energise all aspects of your life.
From helping day-to-day decision-making, creating and getting more out of positive relationships, to crafting a vision for your life we help you uncover how to become awakened to abundance and life-purpose in your communities and the world.
What's Included in the Course
16 hours of group coaching during 8 live recorded sessions on Zoom
Weekly abundance and life purpose summaries with guided instructions and practices for your week
1 month access to all recordings
1 month access to private Facebook community
Virtual certification on completion of the course

What You Will Learn
Clarify your life purpose - your WHY
Uncover any obstacles blocking your path to manifesting your dreams
Harness the power of creativity
Shift into a growth mindset
How to go more deeply within to source your inner teacher and guide
Connect with a supportive community and leverage collaboration
Module Overview
Module 1: The Magic of Curiosity and Surrendering to the Opportunities for Abundance
We lay the foundation for the course, including our first explorations into awareness and curiosity.
Module 2: Get Real and Make it Relevant: Knowing Thyself and Let Go of the Past
We dive into the principles and details of your unconscious mind including how to begin working with letting go of your blocks to abundance and life purpose.
Module 3: Dream Yourself into Abundance: Unleashing The Power and Creativity Within.
We take you into your inner world and open you to the possibilities for transformation that lie within.
Module 4: Build Confidence in Yourself: Clarify and Build Community Around Your Why
We explore the power of clarifying your “why” and how this becomes your most powerful tool in uncovering your life purpose.
Module 5: Envision the Future In The Present: It's Your Story
We explore how to envision your “why” and keeping this uppermost in your awareness can transform your life and your life story.
Module 6: The Hero/Heroine’s Journey
In this module we explore the hero and heroine’s journey. We look at our journey deeply and uncover the joys and struggles of our path and the lessons we have learned.
Module 7: Creating Magic Through Gratitude and Intention
We dive into the magical practices of intention and gratitude and how they awaken the abundance of compassion, love and flow states.
Module 8: Prepare For a New Economy and a New World
This week we truly step beyond into the power of WE coherence and what it means to work with community and help each other. We look at practical ways to support each other and set daily practices we can work on throughout life to ensure the abundance and purpose we seek.
Course Facts
Date: Starts July 11th, 2021 at 6 am EEST, noon JST (July 10th, 2021 at 11:00 PM EDT)
Regular Rate: $425
Educational Rate (Teachers/Students): $298
Scholarship Rate: $100
Course Minimum: There is a minimum of 10 people required for this course to run. We will refund your money if the course does not meet minimum and must be cancelled.
Contact: For any questions and to apply for the scholarship, email: holly@heartmindalchemy.com

The Practical Mystic Course is spectacular. Stephen Altair and Holly Copeland brilliantly merge modern techniques with ancient practices which created 10 modules of self discovery, adventure and dare I say miracles! Each week I dived deeper into the tiny nuances that made me learn something new. It was an unforgettable experience.
This course is beyond magical. It is empowering, loving and transformational to name a few insights I received during the course. The techniques, guidance and activations had me build even more confidence in our collective power and healing abilities. I can honestly say that I really don't know anything and that's OK because with these teachers and this program I am in safe hands to explore even further with a beginners mind
Occasionally in life you take a programme that has a profound impact on the way you look at your own life and the world around you. I'm so glad that i had the opportunity to do The Practical Mystic course. It was such a warm and engaging experience which was profound, enlightening and quite special. If you're open-minded and keen to develop a deeper awareness of yourself, this is a 'must do' experience