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Awaken to Love Course

You have a space and want to support your friends and family to love, heal and nurture themselves.


I have an offering of truly transformational breathwork and sound healing for small groups.


It's a perfect marriage! 

The offering:

You invite friends and family into your home and I guide us through the three hour journey of the  Awaken Heal Breathe Breathwork and Sound Healing Experience.


In these sessions you will:

- Experience greater self love

- See more clearly who you are

- Open to new possibilities 

- Release stored energy and blockages

- Be held in a a safe and loving container 

My experience from last Friday has been profound, such expanded understanding of love for myself and how absolutely required it is for everyone to heal the wounds around loving self, and receiving love, to truly be able to love unconditionally. I am finding a new sense of myself, a me that lives in that energy of connection to unconditional love. Thank you for creating the space for these experiences to occur.” – Dorian, Wyoming

The cost:

$44/per person or group rate of $444

I'm interested! What next?

I am available for small group and corporate sessions. If you are interested in hosting me in your home, office or local yoga studio or community space, please email me at

I am based in the SF Bay Area and offering to host events with a minimum of 8 people anywhere in the region

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